Wednesday 18 July 2012

Planning for Portfolio Success

The world is a constantly changing place. Consequently any sizable enterprise will have a lot of programmes and projects going on at once if it is to survive and adapt (from internal infrastructure changes to front-line business development initiatives). These programmes and projects can enable an enterprise to survive and thrive if done right or can be its death if left to run wild.

How can an enterprise ensure that these programmes and projects lead to success rather than the scrap heap?
  • What constitutes success for the enterprise?
  • How can the enterprise best allocate its resources to programmes, projects and business as usual to ensure success?
  • How can the enterprise remain flexible and adaptable enough to succeed in the face of adversity and exploit opportunities to increase success?
The answer falls under the broad umbrella of portfolio management. The dependency map below shows the benefits of good portfolio management and some initiatives for achieving it.

Given the potential scope and breadth of portfolio management I'm sure this diagram is not yet comprehensive; feel free to post your comments below and I'll rework the map to include them.

If you find this diagram helpful, feel free to re-use, alter and reproduce it as you feel fit.
The diagram was created and can be edited (for free) in a visual programme mapping tool called Realisor.


1 comment:

  1. The diagram has been updated in respose to William Hooper on the Linkedin Benefits Realisation Experts Forum.


    An excellent piece of work, that is heading in a useful direction.

    My particular interest is in the area of reacting to change and intelligently managing it. Your map so far may be read as emphasising the steady state, or initial production of the portfolio view. This is of course of great value. Life seems to be constant for but little time. try therefore starting with a new outcome following from O5, O2, O6 "Increased flexibility through the ability to react to and manage change". This feeds Obj 1."

    Thanks William.
